On Saturday 28. October we will have a Working Bee to set up for our famous Bazar. All hands welcome. Start around 8am with some coffee - ends with lunch. Please respond to mail@dkg-sydney.com so we can prepare lunch for you....
Festgottesdienst am Sonntag, 19. Februar 2023 um 10 Uhr in St. Christophorus, Croydon. Der Cäcilienchor singt die Spatzenmesse von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Solemn Mass on Sunday 19. February 2023 at St. Christophorus, Croydon. The Cäcilienchoir performs the "Spatzenmesse" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [audio mp3="http://dkg-sydney.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Ein-Haus-voll-Glorie-schauet-Christopher-Tambling-Bettringen-arr-.mp3"][/audio]...
Would you like to be in touch with German speaking seniors, many of them migrants of the post war period? Do you enjoy bringing happiness and light into the homes of elderly and thrive on doing so? The impact this has is far reaching and is touching the heart...
Wir freuen uns auf ein wunderbares gemeinsames Osterfest! Folgende Termine: Gründonnerstag 29. März: 10.30 Uhr Chrisammesse Sydney 18.30 Uhr Feier des letzten Abendmahls St. Hedwig Kapelle Karfreitag 30 .März: 15 Uhr Karliturgie, St. Christophorus Croydon 10 Uhr Kreuzwege, St. Raphael Blacktown Karsamstag 31. März: 20 Uhr Osternacht, St. Raphael Blacktown Osternacht - Easter Vigil 31....
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Herzliche Einladung zum Senioren Fasching! Alle sind herzlich zum Faschingstanz eingeladen ! Saturday 10. February at the St. Raphael's Community Hall. Begins at 7.30pm with Dinner. Veranstalter: St. Raphael Chor ...