Gemeindefest Croydon

Gemeindefest Croydon

Sonntag, 30. Juli Patrozinium, Fest unseres Gemeindepatrons in Croydon.

Herzliche Einladung zum Festgottesdienst mit Kirchenchor um 10.00 Uhr.

Anschließend Morning Tea im Gemeindesaal “Bring a Plate” mit was drauf…

Daher ist an diesem Sonntag KEINE Messe in Blacktown.


Sunday 30th Feast of St Christophorus Patron Saint of Croydon.

Please join us for the solemn Mass with choir at 10am.

Afterwards we meet at the parish hall for Big Morning Tea.

Make it really big by turning up AND by bringing a plate. There is nothing like the feeling you have brought most and best food.

For this reason there is NO mass at Blacktown.